16% Complete


The route through Georgia links inland communities across Georgia’s six coastal counties. The network connects towns, attractions, recreational sites, historic and cultural sites, waterways, and natural habitats of the coast.

Total Miles, Spine Route


Miles of Protected Greenway


ga 2021

Click the map for an interactive version

Current Progress

The route through Georgia links inland communities across Georgia’s six coastal counties. The network connects towns, attractions, recreational sites, historic and cultural sites, waterways, and natural habitats of the coast.

The Greenway will follow various north-south routes, including the U.S. Highway 17 corridor, abandoned rail lines and historic canal corridors, from which visitors can sample coastal imagery. Most of the Georgia route is still on road, and a growing number of volunteers and municipal officials are working diligently to make this trail a reality.

Camping options along the route:


Traveling by train? 

Quick tips when using Amtrak with your bike: Do your research in advance; each train line features different bike rack equipment and loading procedures. Check Amtrak for the latest and when in doubt: call the station if you have questions. Click for more: https://www.amtrak.com/bike

Georgia Contacts

Greenway Guidance

While the East Coast Greenway Alliance is constantly improving the safety of the Greenway route through its advocacy efforts, many of the current on-road connections, including those on the Greenway’s interim routes, have little or no special provisions for bicyclists or pedestrians. Long-distance travel via on-road sections of the Greenway is recommended for experienced cyclists only. Many lengthy traffic-free segments of the Greenway are suitable for families and cyclists, walkers and runners of all ages and abilities. 

The current on-road routing is housed on low-traffic roads whenever possible. We aim to be as clear as we are able about the conditions riders can expect by including alerts for known stressful sections on our online mapping tool at map.greenway.org. Directional signage may or may not be present along the route. Users are advised to review state traffic laws, research current road conditions and discuss plans with people familiar with area roadways.

This website provides information for the public about trails and roads for traveling the interim route of the East Coast Greenway and their general suitability for long-distance cycling and walking. The East Coast Greenway Alliance and those involved with the development and publication of this website do not assume any liability for injuries, damage or loss to persons using this information or the routes suggested. People using this information are responsible for their own safety and should take appropriate precautions. 

Trips of Interest

Itinerary • Beaufort, SC

Spanish Moss Trail

Half-day walking tour recommended by Brent Buice

virginia capital trail
Itinerary • Williamsburg, VA

Virginia Capital Trail

2-day out-and-back bike ride: Recommended by Sarah Sanford

att riders downtown jmarkatos
Itinerary • Durham to Raleigh, NC

North Carolina Cross-Triangle Ride

Spend a day biking across North Carolina's Research Triangle

View All Itineraries

News and features of interest

2024 ecg headshot jim hemphill 2528
June 17, 2024

East Coast Greenway welcomes South Carolina & Georgia Manager Jim Hemphill

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June 12, 2024

BRAG Dream Team to celebrate 30th anniversary with East Coast Greenway Youth Bike Tour

loading ferry at st m ga 102421
April 4, 2022

Ferry connection will close key East Coast Greenway gap

Want to see the Greenway grow in Georgia?

Together, let's grow the Greenway

Recent record-setting funding for design and construction goes directly to building the East Coast Greenway - as it should. The East Coast Greenway Alliance needs your support to continue our advocacy work that is fueling completion of the Greenway. The Alliance has a sustained track record of turning every dollar donated to our nonprofit into $100 in public infrastructure investment. Invest today and support the growth of the East Coast Greenway from Maine to Florida.